Mens Fellowship

Out of 100 men, one will read the Bible, the other 99 will read the Christian.

DL Moody

“The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever” I John 2:17

The Men’s Fellowship is a group of committed men of various age groups, from different walks of life with a passion to enhance the “spirituality of self “ and also complement the spiritual needs of other church members (wherever possible) with the pastor.

Amongst the many activities that the Men’s Fellowship is involved, a few are listed below : Bi-monthly meetings (2nd and 4th Sunday) after church service for an hour
A normal meeting of the fellowship consists of

  • Couple of songs praising the Lord
  • Inspiring testimonies by fellow members
  • God’s Word shared by the pastor/guest speaker/fellow member or discussion on biblical topics
  • Special song practice
  • Business matters
Special song on the 4th Sunday of every month

House visits to church members (Pastor, AC members, Men’s Fellowship members and General members)

Organizing special meetings (Guest speakers) and Medical camp

Library of Christian books for the Men’s Fellowship members

Fund raising during annual Harvest festival – through counter sales, auction etc.,

The Men’s Fellowship was rejuvenated on 15h August 2018. And thereafter, it is steadily increasing its support to the spiritual welfare of its members in particular and the church members at large.

A man ought to live so that everybody knows he is a christian... and most of all, his family ought to know.

Dwight L.Moody