Womens Fellowship

The Women's Fellowship of Pavanasar Lutheran Church is the earliest wing of the Church and was known as Mother's Union. It has completed 64 years of valuable service to the Church women, congregation and society. This band of 38 cheerful ladies, bound by sense of unity and concern for each other, meets every Saturday at 5 p.m.

  • First week - Hospital visit
  • Second week - Bible Study
  • Third week - Inter Church WF
  • Fourth week - Bible Study

Every fourth Friday the women come together to fast and to pray for others. Bible Studies are conducted for the Church youth members on Saturdays . Bible Quiz is conducted for the WF members every month, and prizes are awarded.

The World Day of Prayer, Women's Sunday, and the Fellowship of the Least Coin services are conducted by the women's fellowship every year.

The WF has an active outreach program- supporting the programmes of the church like Harvest Festival, visiting home bound aged, disabled people and organizing prayer meetings in houses. Breakfast Sales are organized every sunday to raise funds for the needy people.